How to contact Knights Basketball Sydney


In order to continuously improve the basketball skills of young players, ensure the technical and tactical levels of the participating team members, and enhance the performance of Knights' various teams, Knights has carefully cultivated a team of skilled and well-trained coaches to oversee regular Sunday training sessions.

Traing Base: PCYC St George
McCarthy Reserve, 9 Ador Ave, Rockdale NSW 2216

Knights Basketball Coach Team

U10, U12 & U14 Junior Classes

Session Time: 1:00pm to 3:30pm

The curriculum for the younger age groups is based on scientific training methods and includes a series of age-appropriate training courses. It allows children to start with fundamental basketball skills training and gradually improve their basketball techniques through age-appropriate regional competitions. Through this, children learn the values of hard work, perseverance, and the spirit of sportsmanship, while also gradually understanding the importance of teamwork. It also enhances their social skills.

Knights Basketball Junior Training Class

U16,U18 & U23 Senior Classes

Session Time: 3:30pm to 6:00pm

The Senior class emphasizes personalized and intensive training, building upon the continuous reinforcement of players' fundamental skills. This customized approach is tailored to each player's unique characteristics within a standardized teaching framework. It aims to help players accomplish two primary objectives within the basketball training program: Firstly, to enhance their ability to shine on both regional and international competition platforms, and secondly, to nurture them into well-rounded and exceptional young individuals.

Knights coaching status